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SpotLight - lighting the pathway to Self-Awareness
Spotlight is a development focused report based on Facet5. It provides individuals with a comprehensive summary of their Strengths and Risks of their personality profile as well as the Frustrations and Challenges associated with their individual style. Spotlight improves individual learning and development outcomes through heightened self-awareness and action planning. SpotLight Model The SpotLight report is created by extracting the key features of an individual’s Facet5 results and mapping them onto the Facet5 Spotlight developmental framework. The report summarises not just the Strengths and Risks of an individual’s profile, but also the Frustrations and Challenges associated with your unique individual style. The four elements of the Spotlight Development Framework are:
To support individuals to understand themselves in practical work based scenarios, Spotlight takes the four elements and groups them into five work related domains. These are: |
FEATURES AND BENEFITS •Provides simple explanations allowing participants to identify key development options and to convert them to practical plans •Based on Facet5, a leading personality measure which accurately describes expected behaviours •Facet5 Questionnaire available in over 32 languages •Web based for data collection all over the world •Results are available in real time, for download and use, quickly and effectively •Online resources and facilitator materials build capability quickly and ensure powerful results. STATS
*On this language only the survey is available, the report is not yet. |